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we believe in you, and know you're capable of great things.




网上赌博平台是一所小型大学,它允许你的导师给你个性化的支持. 别人会知道你的名字,并为你提供实现目标所需的资源. Here you will be respected, listened to, and cared about.
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HOMe of the trailblazers

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a degree above the rest

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Campus Life

在校内和校外,开拓者们可以参加许多课外活动,比如音乐节, the arts, and action-packed athletic events! Vincennes is a historic city that is rich and vibrant with culture. 您将欣赏当地的剧院、节日、历史地标和许多独特的美食.

Known for being first

网上赌博平台成立于1801年,是印第安纳州第一所让你的学位得到顶级雇主广泛认可的大学! Vincennes is a vibrant city rich with culture and history. 在这里,你会发现许多独特的当地活动,如乔治罗杰斯克拉克国家历史公园, Fort Knox II, 以及网上赌博平台创始人、美国总统威廉·亨利·哈里森的官邸.

A degree above the rest

Those with a college degree tend to earn more, a lot more. 拥有学士学位的人可能比拥有高中文凭的人多挣大约100万美元. College is a pathway to a great career, it's also where you’ll build a professional network, find a community filled with new people, and have new exciting experiences. 在这里,你会交到一辈子的朋友,了解你自己和你周围的世界.

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scholarships & savings

网上赌场排名认为,优质教育应该是人人都能负担得起的. That's why 网上赌博平台 keeps tuition low, 事实上,网上赌场排名的学费是印第安纳州所有住宿大学中最低的. 网上赌场排名还提供了大量的奖学金,可以帮助你支付大学学费和生活费.


news & events

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文森斯大学宣布推出其新的视频系列,其中包括大量教学视频,旨在补充课堂教学,并提供技术课程和讲师专业知识. 该系列包括由22位教师完成的83个教学视频, 展示了文森斯大学最先进的实验室和高质量的课程.


网上赌博平台 director receives supplier diversity award at state conference

文森斯大学采购和风险管理主任迈克尔·莫里森获得了一个奖项,以表彰他在印第安纳州倡导供应商多样性的工作. 印第安纳州行政部门供应商多样性分部授予他Ralph W. Adams, Jr. Supplier Diversity Trailblazer Award.


网上赌博平台 Jasper welcomes 600 high school freshmen to Tour of Opportunity

To inspire and empower the future workforce, 文森斯大学贾斯珀为杜布瓦县的高中生举办了机会之旅, providing them with a unique chance to explore local careers. 这个创新的活动旨在让年轻人接触到社会上不同的专业, ranging from agriculture and arts to business finance and robotics.



周一,雷德·斯克尔顿美国喜剧博物馆为其备受期待的扩建举行了奠基仪式, Oct. 16. 洛锡安和瑞德·斯克尔顿美术馆是洛锡安·斯克尔顿长期梦想的结果, 已故的世界著名喜剧演员和土生土长的文森特人瑞德·斯凯尔顿的妻子. 
Multiple 网上赌博平台 aircraft including a 737, 在印第安纳波利斯的网上赌博平台航空技术中心的一个机库中,直升机和更多的东西.



Vincennes University proudly announced a $4.这项耗资500万美元的国家资助计划的重点是为印第安纳州的航空业注入进一步的活力,并促进印第安纳波利斯国际机场的发展. 网上赌博平台计划扩大其教育影响的范围,将大学受人尊敬的航空维修计划的招生人数增加一倍. In addition, 网上赌博平台 aims to boost its high school dual credit offerings, 使雄心勃勃的高中生在他们的航空教育中有一个良好的开端.

University Events

Meet our students

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Perla Maldonado

My experience has been incredible. I have a good teacher. She is a very kind, understanding, and friendly person. My colleagues are very generous. I have met more students who have helped me practice my English.

Jabari Hunter

似曾相识开创了一些我刚开始弹钢琴时都不知道的可能性. 加入蓝调乐团和基督教校园团契在网上赌博平台让我向世界展示我是谁.

Marley Elder

我可以选择直接参加工作,或者转到另一所学校, but I stayed because I like the teachers. I feel like I’m learning a lot compared to other schools. The community is great. I’ve made lots of friends here. It’s just a nice, quiet, friendly community.

Fatima Ayala

I chose Vincennes University because I grew up in the town, and I wanted to stay close to home, plus it was affordable, which is the best.

My Vũ

Studying at 网上赌博平台 has helped me prepare and cultivate my confidence, essential skills, and knowledge, 现在我已经为今年秋天在亚利桑那州立大学的新旅程做好了准备.

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ready to begin?

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The Lifeblood of our Institution is our students

无论你是游戏玩家、美食家、表演者、活动家、艺术家还是运动员,你都有很多事情要做! 每个学期都有很多表演和历史悠久的活动,比如划沃巴什河.